Blue Glass Archive blog Public Education and Awareness on High THC in Canada

Public Education and Awareness on High THC in Canada

The federal high in Canada  has committed close to $46 million over the next five years for cannabis public education and awareness. This is aimed at educating Canadians about the safety measures that are in place and any potential health risks of cannabis consumption.

Cannabis can only be sold and consumed by adults 19 or over in Canada. It is illegal to consume it in public, in vehicles or on school property. Consumption of cannabis is permitted in private residences, provided that the cultivation is done safely and it is not in a location where children or pets might be exposed. Condo boards can also prohibit cannabis consumption in their common areas.

Navigating the World of High THC Canada: Tips for Finding the Perfect Products

Recently, a licensed laboratory in Kelowna tested 46 cannabis flower products purchased at stores across British Columbia. They found that the potency levels on the label were lower than what was actually in the product.

Health Canada has since launched a potency inspection program, testing 56 products so far. They have yet to find any significant health or safety risks, but they do believe that the potency values on the labels are not accurate enough.

If you have 2 or more nanograms of THC in your blood while driving, you can be fined and/or have your license suspended. There are a variety of tests that police use to determine if a driver is impaired by drugs or alcohol. These include the Draeger DrugTest 5000, which detects THC in saliva.

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