Day: March 21, 2024

The Romanian Worker in FranceThe Romanian Worker in France

Romanian worker in France

Romanian worker

The number of work permits granted to agency interim Roumanie citizens by Romania has steadily increased in recent years, turning it into a popular destination for economic migrants (Guo, 2010). This trend is driven by the fact that physicians from Romania are in demand in small towns and rural areas, where local hospitals cannot adequately recruit staff. These remittances provide physicians with the opportunity to fulfill their Hippocratic oath while earning a decent salary, especially compared to what they would earn in their home country.

In addition, the cultural ties between France and Romania are strong. The French language is the primary language taught in schools, and many famous Romanian artists and intellectuals of the 19th and 20th centuries lived and worked in France including Cioran, Brancusi, Ionesco and Anna de Noailles.

“Future Prospects: The Role of Romanian Labor in Shaping France’s Workforce

France and Romania have a long-standing economic relationship, particularly in high-value added industries such as automobiles (Renault-Dacia is the country’s leading auto manufacturer), aeronautics (Airbus Helicopters has its European headquarters in Brasov) and energy (Engie is a major gas supplier).

The government of newly elected President Macron is seeking to address concerns over so-called “posted workers” from Eastern Europe who are hired to do jobs like construction or care for the elderly. Macron is aiming to require companies to pay posted and local workers the same salaries and limit postings to one year. This could help prevent companies from driving down wages and exacerbating inequalities in wealth within the EU.